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Badminton player, Lee Chong Wei is diagnosed with nose cancer

Dr Lim Hong Liang comments on the recent news on badminton player, Lee Chong Wei, who has been diagnosed with early stage nose cancer.
"Nose cancer in early stage usually means the tumour is small, confined to the back of the nose and had not spread to lymph nodes around the neck and had not metastasize to other organs," says Dr Lim Hong Liang in view of the news of Lee Chong Wei (who has been diagnosed with nose cancer).
"Primary treatment for early stages nose cancer is radiation. No surgery is needed. Chance of cure for early stage disease is high. Three quarter or more of stage 1 nose cancer patients are cured of their disease."
The Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) has confirmed in a statement that Malaysian badminton star and three-time Olympic silver medallist Lee Chong Wei has been diagnosed with early stage nose cancer.
He is reported to be currently seeking treatment in Taiwan and responding well to it.
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TAGS | metastatic cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, swollen lymph node |
READ MORE ABOUT | Nasopharyngeal Cancer |
PUBLISHED | 27 September 2018 |